Fen Orchid
Tegeirian y fign galchog |
Monocots (Monocotyledons)
Asparagales |
Liparis loeselii |
Family: Orchidaceae |
Kenfig dunes
Growing with Adder's Tongue and Marsh Helleborine. |
04 July 2015 |
Category: Wild-growing plants and fungi of the British Isles |
British Isles status: native Endangered Rare Perennial |
Enquiry / feedback |
J R Crellin |
About the picture: NIKON D700 04/07/2015 15:18:09 1/125 sec - F/22 Lens: 60mm f/2.8 D Sensitivity: ISO 400 Exp. compensation: -0.7 EV Depth of field: 0.04 m (0.34 - 0.38) Light value: 13.9
FloralImages Protected by a Creative Commons Licence. |