The Orchid family



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Orchis militaris
Orchis militaris
Military Orchid
Orchis purpurea
Orchis purpurea
Lady Orchid
Orchis simia
Orchis simia
Monkey Orchid
Orchis x angusticruris
Orchis x angusticruris
Lady#Orchid#/ Monkey#Orchid#hybrid
Platanthera bifolia
Platanthera bifolia
Lesser Butterfly-orchid
Platanthera chlorantha
Platanthera chlorantha
Greater Butterfly-orchid
Platanthera chlorantha and bifolia
Platanthera chlorantha and bifolia
Butterfly orchids
Platanthera x hybrida
Platanthera x hybrida
Pleione formosana
Pleione formosana
Pseudorchis albida
Pseudorchis albida
Small-white Orchid
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Irish Lady's-tresses
Spiranthes spiralis
Spiranthes spiralis
Autumn Lady's-tresses
X Pseudadenia schweinfurthii
X Pseudadenia schweinfurthii
Small White / Fragrant Orchid Hybrid